2019 Goal - To make a Game

2019 Goal - To make a Game

Early this year I started to think about all the various projects that I would like to do and which ones I should try to focus on. I started to think about a thing that I always wanted to do but always seems to difficult for me: to make a computer game

It always felt like there would be to many thing to learn and that it would be a struggle to not only find out how to learn them, but also to stay motivated through it all. But thanks to the advancement of online resources (tutorials, forums, YouTube videos) and various tools (JavaScript frameworks, unity etc), I’m now starting to feel that a making a small game could be within my reach.

Although, I know I can’t have “make a game” as a single project. It would, as a single project, feel to big for me. And I know enough about myself to know that it will be a lot easier to reach a bigger goal, if I can break it down into many smaller projects.

So for 2019, I have decided that I will not have to make a game as a project, only as a goal instead. My hope is that having this goal will motivate me enough to start on a bunch of smaller projects that I’ll hopefully in the end be able to tie together into a finished game.

But just to be clear, the goal isn’t to make a good game, just a complete and finished one :) And I already have a game idea in mind, but I’ll talk about that in another post.