Boulder Blaster - Done and Released
Yes, it is finally done and publicly released.
And by public release, I mean that I have made a nice little banner for it on the right side and posted links to it on Reddit. On the first subreddit I tried posting it on, my link was blocked because I was linking to a non-approved website (this one) and on the second subreddit, it got 2 whole upvotes. That is 1 more than expected.
Now click here or on the banner to play the final version.
About the result
Am I happy about the final product? Yes! Is it perfect or a “good game”. No, not really, but that is OK. In terms of quality, I managed to reach a level I’m happy with and I learned lots doing it.
It is time to mark this project finished and continue on to the next adventure.
The learning experience
This project improved my JavaScript skills and gave me a few challenges to solve that were stimulating. It was fun to learn about PixiJs and Jasmine. The fact that I have been able to make use of Jasmine professionally is great bonus effect of this project.
The project also pushed me to make graphics and sound effects. Something I normally don’t do.
About the “Goal of the year” thing
I would probably not have completed this project if it wasn’t for me publicly announcing it and making it a goal to complete it in 2019. Having the goal of getting it done in 2019 really helped me focus on the project. Not that I was super focused on it, but it would have been even less of not for this goal.
Now I failed to release it in 2019 (was release on January 21th 2020), but that don’t matter to me. The fact that I managed to finish it at all is a win.
Closing remark
I will definitely do another gaming project. Next one I think will be with Unity. But currently I had no idea when I will have the time to start with that.
This year I planing on using this public “goal of the year” motivational technique for a non-gaming project. One that I’ll talk about more in an upcoming blog post.