My entries for the Swebrick's Christmas Competition 2020

My entries for the Swebrick's Christmas Competition 2020

In the later part of 2020, a new LEGO competition was announced on the Swebrick forums. It was a marathon competition, where one could enter one build for each day between December 1st and December 24th. First day had a piece limit of 5 and then for each day that limit was increases with 5 pieces, ending with 120 pieces for the 24th day. Each build would collect one point with an additional 0.1 point for each previous build you had entered. And every day, the best build would get two extra points and three runner ups would get an additional point. The contestant with most points at the end of the competition would win.

I was immediately intrigued by this competition and started to design small builds in LDD. I quickly realized that I would need a common theme between all the builds if I was going to be able to come up with and build 24 designs in time. Keeping to one theme would make it possible to reuse scraped ideas from one day to another.

I decided on making all my build Spaced themed and to have them in the Minifig-scale. This would allow me to combine all the builds into bigger scenes, which made the whole design process so much more fun for me.

All my builds and additional scenes can be seen below or on my Flickr page. If you are interested in seeing all other builds, check out this thread on Swebrick. Also to see which builds got additional points, check out this thread. Both threads are in Swedish.

And how did it go for me? I ended up in 5th place (of 22 contestants) with 60.6 points, 11 points from 1st place. I’m happy with that result.
