UFO:s over Halmstad

UFO:s over Halmstad

Or more specifically, a bunch of sky lantern that caused much confusion. In 2003, a friend got me and bunch of my other friends to buy several batches of sky lanterns or “UFO balloons” as they were sold as.
Custom Picture Ledges

Custom Picture Ledges

Making two small Picture ledges from an IKEA one. I wanted some small picture ledges for LEGO related stuff in my hobby room, but couldn’t find something that fitted for a reasonable price.
LUGBULK List Maker

LUGBULK List Maker

I promised myself when I started this blog that I would introduce all my GitHub project here. And the first one out is the project with the smallest target audience, a project for creating sorting lists for LUGBULK orders.
Making charcoal

Making charcoal

Because we had a few unwanted bushes around the house, I found myself with a bunch of branches that needed to be disposed of. And because we like to grill, I thought it would be fun to try to make my own charcoal out of them instead of dragging them to the local recycling center.
Vacation Break

Vacation Break

My vacation is messing up my intended post schedule. When starting this blog, I gave myself the arbitrary goal of posting at least once every month.
Seaside Market

Seaside Market

Between the harbor and the city wall, a small but popular market has managed to establish itself. My biggest build yet with a wide margin. You can check out more picture of it at the bottom of this post.